
Friday, July 13, 2018

Plan C Top Finished

Fabrics for Plan C

With all the issues with fabric combinations and choices, yardage quantities, and layout problems for my Heart Builders tops, I ended up making three tops for them. 

Plan A was to use just the fabrics they sent and make one top: 
Fabrics provided by Heart Builders

Plan B was to use their focus fabric and a different light blue background, because there wasn't enough of the light blues they sent for the background I needed here.
Plan B Top

Plan B Part 2 was to use the light blue fabrics they sent, with some other fabrics from stash. Unfortunately as I tried to lay them out, the darks didn't play nicely with the light blues. I had a lot of large dark triangles left over. 
Fabrics for Plan B Part 2

I didn't want the cut parts to go to waste, so Plan C was hatched. Adding a third dark, and some more lights, improved the palette. In the right proportions, with the right layout, these high-contrast fabrics work well together. The dark stripe, the ombre stripe, and the white linen stripe are recycled shirts. I especially like how the ombre stripe reads as a dark, but because it's such a bold pattern, it adds so much more interest than a solid-ish fabric would.
Voila, Plan C Top! 
Plan C Top. 44" x 60"

I like how Plan C turned out. It's actually my favorite of the three!

When Heart Builders sent the fabrics, they specifically requested a top for older boys. Apparently they get many more girly and little boy tops than they do tops for older boys, so that's their greatest need. 

I've contacted Heart Builders and now I'm waiting for them to send me the address where to ship these tops for quilting. Eventually the finished quilts will go to kids who are experiencing some sort of health crisis or upheaval such as transition into foster care. 

I'm happy to send three tops instead of just one. I'm counting these tops toward my lifetime personal goal of making 100 donation quilts for kids. I'm almost up to 50 now, I think.

Linking up with Whoop Whoop Friday at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. Love it when a plan comes together!

  2. Plan C is my favorite, too. The two quilts will be wonderful gifts for an older boy.

  3. Oh, the Plan C top is very sophisticated and lovely. How amazing that you were sent some fabric to make one but will be sending back 3 quilt tops.

  4. It is hard to make older boy quilts! I have a 17 year old nephew I would like to make a quilt for but I want to come up with something really special! Plan C is my favorite too! Congratulations on making three quilts instead of one and getting half way to your charity quilts goal!!!!

  5. Love plan c! They’re all great

  6. They all turned out beautifully! The Plan C quilt is really nice. All of them will be popular with older boys. Even better, you used up stash right?
