
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December Stash Report and Goals Update

December 2024 Stash Report: 

IN this month: 2 yards (2 yards dark blue from 35th Ave.)
OUT this month: 5-1/4 yards (Red and Cream scrappy columns top - estimated 5-1/4 yards.)

IN YTD: 81 yards
OUT YTD: 98-3/8 yards

YTD Net Change: 17-3/8 yards OUT

Each year my goal for my stash is to break even or end the year with less than I brought in, so 2024 was a good year. I never count any fabric I use that comes from PCQ's stash, and I know I used a lot this year, so I sewed up more than 100 yards. 

Goals Update: 

December recap: 

1. Work on the slow scrappy project at social sewing. Yes, progress. Due to scheduled classes and holidays, I only had two social sewing days this month. 

2. Finish the red and cream scrappy top. Done.

3. Plan a turquoise version of the Black and Tan quilt to use up some of my aqua/turquoise/teal stash, and practice getting the value placement right. Progress. At least one of each block type has been made, nine different blocks. Most are working, but I need to find a replacement fabric for one of them. 

4. Layer and baste the Kaffe gradient project. No, not touched.

5. Go through all the UFOs and plan what and how to finish in 2025. Made lists of all UFOs and WIPs. Possible future blog post about this. 

6. Consider the scraps and leftover blocks and block parts from Road Trip and figure out how to make something with them. No, not touched.

7. If the long arm machine gets fixed and I get a time slot, quilt Kevin's tops. Done.

8. Clean up the sewing room; organize the stash, scraps, and UFOs. Done.

January 2025 Goals: 

1. Prep for and teach lessons 1 and 2 of the next color class. 

2. Find fabric for the last block of the teal project; make at least two blocks. 

3. Bind Kevin's quilts.

4. Piece the backing for the red scrappy quilt. Book time on the long arm and prep leaders for basting it for quilting on my domestic machine.

5. If possible, quilt the lozenges quilt on PCQ's long arm; bind it. 

6. Layer and baste the Kaffe gradient project. 

7. Play with a Postage Stamp variation. 

Not much blogging happened this month, and that may be the case going forward. No particular reason, I just haven't been inspired to take process photos, edit them, and write about what I'm working on. The first quarter of 2025 will be busy with color classes so I don't anticipate a lot of sewing and probably not much blogging. 


  1. I'm happy to hear that the longarm was fixed and you have already been able to book time on it. Happy New Year and I hope you have a fantastic year of quilting ahead.

  2. Congratulations on more out then in on the fabric stash. You did a lot last year even if you didn't get to all your December goals.
