
Monday, December 9, 2024

Let's Try This Again

 Making the Black and Tan quilt was both enjoyable and challenging. It took a bit of care to get the values right; some seam ripper activity was definitely involved. But the final result looked good and the recipient of the quilt loved it. What more could I ask for?!!

I decided to remake the same pattern using my abundant teal stash. In order to get the values right with fewer missteps, I printed out a greyscale version of the Black and Tan quilt to use as a guide. 

I sorted my fabric pull into darks, medium and light turquoises, and whites. I'm using three constants, a white print for the border and some of the blocks, a navy print for the triangle points, and a teal print for the centers of all the nine-patch blocks. 

So far I have only a few test blocks made. We'll see how this goes....

Link up: Small Quilts and Doll Quilts


  1. Smart idea to print grey-scale! Love your fabric pull.

  2. Well, I'm certainly really going to enjoy seeing this one come together (I love these colors together)! Starting with the grayscale image and sorting your fabrics by value is really smart. I hope it helps the process be smoother and more fun.

  3. Great idea to use a greyscale to help distribute your teal values!

  4. That's going to be a fun project. The colors are great.

  5. Oh, I’m going to love seeing the teal version come together!

  6. You did a beautiful job with those black and tan values. It's lovely.

  7. Love the color palette you've picked for the repeat version. Looks like you've got it figured out this time.

  8. This is going to be wonderful! Quiltdivajulie
