
Friday, January 10, 2025

UFOs and WIPs, Part 1: Teaching Samples

One of my end-of-year goals was to assess where I'm at with my UFOs and WIPs, so I spent some time at the end of December looking through my lists, projects, and photos. 

Here's how I define UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and WIPs (Works in Progress); your definitions may vary. 
   - Anything that was started a year or more ago and which has not had work done on it in at least a year is considered a UFO. 
   - Anything started within the last 12 months is a WIP, which I also refer to as a current project. 
   - Anything started earlier than a year ago but which has regularly been worked on during the last 12 months is also a WIP. Progress counts! 

What I found is that most of my UFOs and WIPs fall into three categories: Pattern and teaching samples, tops that need to be quilted, and piecing projects, some of which are kitted up for future retreats. 

So let's look at the teaching samples first. It's easier to store tops than finished quilts, and it helps to see the back to see how seams are pressed, so I have several unquilted tops that are teaching samples or pattern prototypes. I debated whether to include them in this roundup, but technically they are UFOs that will need to be finished someday. 

Scrappy Nine Patch Stars QOV, 60 x 84".  Tutorial available; more info here. This is by far my most requested tutorial. UFO since 2017. 

Star Spangled Spiral QOV remake, 66 x 78". My original Star Spangled Spiral was finished and presented as a QOV. This is an unquilted top intended for teaching and used for a pattern (see Pattern tab above).  UFO since 2019 or 2020. 

The tops shown below are Prototypes for PCQ charity quilt patterns; see the Free Charity Quilt Patterns tab above for more info.

Woven Bricks, 45 x 60", UFO since 2022.  

Scrappy Color Bars, 60 x 80", 2022. 

Spinner, 64 x 80" shown. Other sizes available. 2022

Four Patch Variation, 68 x 92" twin bed size shown. Other sizes available. 2023

Giant Friendship Stars, 72 x 90" Twin bed size shown. Other sizes available. 2023

Stacked Slabs, 60 x 80" shown. Other sizes available. 2023

So that's eight UFOs. I have no immediate plans to finish these. I will talk to PCQ's new Community Service Committee chairs and see if they want the prototype samples to go with the patterns. I'll offer the Star Spangled Spiral top PCQ's Veteran's Quilts committee and see if they want it. They can finish it and present it their next Veterans Day event. I may hold onto the Scrappy Nine Patch Stars top for possible future use.

Link up: Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts. Obviously, these are in the Or Not category! 


  1. Smart to see if the committees the quilts were designed for will finish them!

  2. It can be hard to pass along a flimsy. Good for you for taking inventory and finding new homes for yours.

  3. I have to agree that finished quilt tops are much easier to keep up with then the project boxes. Good luck with your plans for your UFOs this year.

  4. Haha - the not category!!! These are all amazing !
