
Monday, February 3, 2025

January 2025 Stash Report and Goals Recap

Well, there was a bit of a change in direction this month, so some of my goals went by the wayside and I worked on something else instead. I also worked on my teal project, which required purchasing additional fabric. Here's the current state of the teal project, incorporating the new fabric:

Teal Blocks

January Stash Report: 

IN this month and YTD: 7-1/4 yards (Teal prints - 2 yards. Mulqueen's - 5-1/4.)
OUT this month and YTD: 1 yard (Binding for Kevin's quilts)

Month and YTD Net Change: 6-1/4 yards added to the stash.

Two things happened to change up the goals for the month. One, the club's longarm broke down permanently, so no actual quilting was accomplished. Two, one of the co-chairs of the community service committee asked me to develop a pattern for a small Irish Chain quilt that PCQ members could work on at Sew Days, to use up some of the club's stash. She and I quickly pulled medium fabrics and cut pieces from our bins of light and dark strips, sewed up the blocks, and ended up with this: 

Irish Chain Variation Charity Quilt 
Pattern Prototype

Outside appointments and Sewing Club classes have cut into my "social sewing" time. The Sewing Club officially has the Fiber Arts Room on Wednesday mornings. They're giving serger lessons and teaching simple makes twice a month now and ongoing, so no open sewing those days. That's okay from a quilting standpoint, but it cuts into my "going out to lunch with friends" schedule. 

Prep for teaching my color class took a bit of time this month, too. This will continue with two classes in February and two in March. Even though I've taught the class before, I still have to review my notes and make sure I have all my materials organized, including printing out handouts. The class continues to be well received, but I've told the club this is the last time I'm offering it. 

Goals Update: 

January Recap:

1. Prep for and teach lessons 1 and 2 of my color class. DONE. 

2. Find fabric for the last block of the teal project; make at least two blocks. DONE.

3. Bind Kevin's quilts. DONE. (I need to take photos of the finished quilts)

4. Piece the backing for the red scrappy quilt. Book time on the long arm and prep leaders for basting it for quilting on my domestic machine. Not done. Long arm machine still not available.

5. If possible quilt the lozenges quilt on PCQ's long arm; bind it. Not done. 

6. Layer and baste the Kaffe gradient project. Not done. 

7. Play with a new project, a Postage Stamp variation. Progress; cut and kitted up to work on at retreat. 

Other: With Community Service co-chair, made a scrappy prototype of an Irish Chain variation top and drafted the pattern for it. Cut and partially assembled a second curated palette version of it. 

Postage Stamp project kitted up

February Goals: 

1. Prep for lessons 3, 4, and 5 of my color class. Teach lessons 3 and 4. 

2. Prep for and work on a previously started collaborative project with Cherie when she comes to visit. 

3. Attend QuiltCon.

4. Continue piecing the teal value study project. 

5. Attend the first training overview meeting for the new long arm.*

6. Continue piecing the Scrappy Pinterest Project at social sewing.

7. Prep a backing for something in anticipation of using the long arm at some time in the future.

The collaborative project with Cherie is something we started with another friend before Covid, and we've both since moved. It's a piecing and engineering challenge as quilt projects go. Wish us luck! 

*If you read this far...
  Yes, PCQ is getting a new long arm, an Innova M24!!!! More to come as info becomes available. 


  1. Well, it's exciting that the club is getting a new long arm and challenging to learn a new machine. And there's probably quite a backlog of quilts waiting to be quilted. Good luck.

  2. I will be at QuiltCon on Thursday and Friday, and it would be delightful to get to meet you in person. Hopefully our paths may cross!

  3. Even if you didn't meet all your goals, you had a productive January. It's hard when things outside our control change our plans too. Good luck with February goals and enjoy QuiltCon.
