Friday, January 4, 2019

AFS - the Red Project

I'm continuing to set monthly goals for my Red Project, and my AFS friends hold me accountable. We get together for coffee on the first Saturday of each month and share our progress on our projects. Last month I had the first inner border on the center of the quilt, and the goal for this month was to add the checkerboard border to one side. Rather than carry the project to our get-together, this blog post will serve as my proof of progress.

I pulled strip sets and leftover pieces from making the checkerboard blocks out to use them for the new border. Then I realized that making one border per month, the original plan, wasn't very efficient. So, change of goal. Instead of adding one border, I would prep the nine patches needed for all four borders.
Blocks & block sets on wall for borders

I cobbled together about 40 nine patch blocks from the parts and strips I had, with some threesies left over. I may need a few more threesies for all four borders, but I have plenty of extra fabric to make more.
Blocks selected for border but not sewn together yet

The border blocks are just placed on the wall, not joined into a strip yet. When sewn, the seams will align with the block and checkerboard seams in the quilt center.

Even though I changed the plan, I'm going to count this month's goal achieved because I moved the project forward significantly. My goal for next month will be to assemble the two side borders and join them to the sides of the quilt. Then the following month it will be the top and bottom borders.

Link Up: Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. Sharing this blog post as proof of progress is very smart. I hope you enjoy your time together on Saturday!

  2. Much more logical process and, as you said, moved the project even further along.

  3. Moving things forward is the name of the game -- good for you!!

  4. Sometimes you realize that your path forward isn't the best way to proceed. Congrats on all the progress with this project. It's a beautiful quilt.
