Monday, June 3, 2024

Road Trip and Other Work in Progress

 Road Trip is at the point where I'm starting to puzzle it together. There are a few partial seams, but not too bad so far. I have the upper left corner assembled.

When not working on Road Trip, I've been thinking about my Black and Tan project. Here are a few test blocks. The pale one on the left doesn't cut it; too blah. 

Primary blocks have black corners. When they surround the alternate blocks they create a star, which will continue out into the border. I'm using triangle papers to mass produce those corner HSTs. I've revised the layout in EQ several times. If I'm careful with the value placement, I think the blocks will create an interesting secondary pattern. 

I need my design wall to work on the Black and Tan project and other quilts besides Road Trip, so I really need to focus and get Road Trip assembled so I can move on. 

Linking up with Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts


  1. Looks like you are making good progress on Road Trip. I hope puzzling it together goes smoothly and that you have a your design wall back for other projects soon.

  2. I LOVE black and browns together. This design will be fabulous when finished! I look forward to seeing your progress.

  3. Road Trip is comting together beautifully. Black and Tan is going to be an interesting quilt. Those aren't colors I use together very often, but your test blocks look really cool together.
