Friday, September 13, 2024

Storyboard Stacked Slabs Top

In July, Quilt Diva Julie sent me two boxes of fabric, donations for PCQ's charity quilts. Wow, I was blown away! Thank you, Julie. 

The chair of our charity committee asked me to make up "Blank Kits" with the donated fabrics plus others from the club's stash as needed. I was able to make up about 8 kits from the fabrics Julie sent. We don't include patterns in our Blank Kits, but let the maker choose their own pattern. 

Included in Julie's donation were some FQs from the Storyboard collection by Seth Apter. Very cool, kind of urban and masculine. The local family services agency we donate to occasionally has needs for quilts for teen boys, and I thought these fabrics would be perfect for an older boy. I held them aside to use for my next donation quilt.

In order to feature the prints I didn't want to cut them up too much, so I chose my Stacked Slabs* pattern. The FQs had been prewashed and shrunk, so they were a little undersized. I modified the cutting sizes of the slabs in the pattern to fit the fabrics and added additional fabrics from my own stash. 

After two sessions of Social Sewing, a pieced top is now finished. It measures about 58 x 68", a good teen size throw. 

Fast, easy, and the prints do all the work. I was not familiar with fabric designer Seth Apter, but he produced a line last year for Free Spirit with the same vibe, and has a new one just out, Live Out Loud. I think his fabrics would also pair well with some of Tim Holtz's Abandoned and Eclectic Elements prints. 

I found backing for this top in the club's backing stash. This will get in line for a future quilting session on the club's long arm. 

Linking up with Alycia Quilts

* You can find the Stacked Slabs pattern and other free charity quilt patterns the tab above. If you would like a PDF, I'm happy to send it but you must include your email address within the text of your comment. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Blocks on My Design Wall

Some time ago I had seen something on Pinterest that intrigued me. It's attributed only to Kathie C, no other info. I think some of the prints are Tula Pink. I found the image inspiring. 

Image from Pinterest attributed to Kathie C

I simplified the triangles at the sides of the lozenge shapes, making them one color instead of two, then started making the blocks for the on-point setting at retreat in July. 

They looked very busy when laid out on the wall. I soon realized I didn't have a good enough assortment of lights, mediums and darks, so I put the blocks aside. After making more at home, removing some of the original ones, and laying them out on the wall I had this:

Still looks like a busy mish-mash, so I need to bring some order to this chaos. I can do that by placing the lights, mediums, and darks in columns. 

Better. Still busy, but less chaotic. The side blocks will be trimmed and squared up at the corners. Then I'll add a 2" black border all around to further contain this.

This will end up as a large throw and will be a donation quilt for the local family services agency. Some teenager will love it. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Belated August Stash Report and Goals Update

Wow, August just flew by and I can't believe it's September already. Fall? Hardly, it's still over 110 degrees here each day. Remember the rule about not wearing white after Labor Day? Those Boston and New York arbiters of taste a century ago never experienced an Arizona summer. The wearing of summer clothes - including white - continues. 

Anyway, it's September so my August update is overdue. I had a busy month, but my stash report took a hit because I ordered some fabrics to use for backings and to supplement my stash. I had already counted the top and backing for Referee Stripe, so all I could count out for this project in August is the binding. 

I finally finished the Kaffe Gradient top so I could count out the yardage used in it. 

August Stash Report:

IN this month: 18-1/4 yards (13-1/4 yards B+W prints from Mulqueen's sale. 5 yards black Kona.)
OUT this month: 6 yards (1/2 yard binding for Referee Stripe. Kaffe Gradient Top, estimated 5-1/2 yards)

IN YTD: 61 yards
OUT YTD: 54-3/4 yards
YTD Net Change: 6-1/4 yards added

My goal is still to break even for the year. We'll see if I can make it.

Goals Update: 

August Recap:

1. Quilt the Referee Stripe top Aug 2, and bind it in time for next PCQ meeting. DONE, although I didn't show it at the meeting. 

2. Prep for and teach Lessons 1 and 2 of my six lesson Color Class. Schedule change; taught Lesson 1 on Aug. 24 & wll teach Lesson 2 in September. 

3. Make more blocks for B+W Slanted Stars; determine layout. Assemble top, add borders. Some progress but still working on blocks and revised layout. 

4. Finish the Kaffe Gradient flimsy. Finally DONE !!!

5. Make more blocks for the black and tan project. Yes, several blocks made. Awaiting more black fabric for HSTs. 

 - Made a lot of blocks for Autumn colorway of Scrappy Celebration with friends. 
 - Cut, laid out, and started piecing a Stacked Slabs top featuring donated Storyboard fabric.

September Goals: 

1. Prep for and teach lessons 2 and 3 of my color class.

2. Quilt the black & white Friendship Stars top on the long arm.

3. Piece the backing for Kaffe Gradient.

4. Continue piecing and assembling the black and white lozenges project (formerly slanted stars). The concept for this has changed a bit from the original inspiration. 

5. Repair blocks and piece backing for Autumn Scrappy Celebration for Linda before her trip. 

6. Continue piecing the Storyboard stacked slabs top at social sewing. 

7. Prep a backing and batting for a personal quilt (Road Trip???) and quilt it on the long arm on Sept 25. 

8. Continue making blocks for the Black and Tan project. 

That's a big list, and I have some non-quilty stuff going on in September. The to-dos with hard deadlines will get done, but some of the other items may not.