Free Charity Quilt Patterns

I belong to PebbleCreek Quilters, and I'm a member of the Community Service Committee. We support agencies that serve children, teens, and adults. 

My role on the committee for 2022-24 has been to plan projects for certain Community Sew Days. The committee always has a prep day to get ready for the sew day, during which we kit up the project to be sewn.  I've created several patterns for kits for our guild members to make charity quilts. These PDF tutorials are written to be included with the kits (no total fabric requirements given) so I've added fabric requirements for each design below. I'm offering these patterns to anyone who wants them for charitable purposes. (See below*)

There are several patterns which are very easy to sew. Woven Bricks, Scrappy Color Bars, Scrappy Spinner, Stacked Slabs, Four Patch Variation, and Basketweave.  Some of these patterns require a bit more cutting than others. We used a die cutter to cut fabric strips for some of these kits, which made the process much quicker than rotary cutting by hand. 

PCQ has an extensive stash of donated fabrics, mostly medium and dark colors. In 2023 we ordered some light beiges and whites to supplement our stash. It's the contrast between light and dark that makes these patterns work. 

For more about the story of each pattern, click on the pattern name below.

Stacked Slabs
 - 70 x 88" Twin size (shown), 60 x 80" large throw, 50 x 64" small throw
 - Constructed in rows, no blocks
 - 20 Fat quarters for twin size

Four Patch Variation
 - 68 x 92" Twin with border (shown), 60 x 76" large throw with border, 48 x 60" small throw
 - Block size 8" 
 - Border width 6"
 - Yardage for Twin size: Border, 2-1/4 yards. Four patch blocks, 1-1/8 yards each of light and dark fabrics. Large squares, 1/4 yard each of 9 fabrics (one of which could be the remainder of the border print) 

Friendship Stars
 - 72 x 90" Twin size (shown) or 54 x 72" throw size
 - 18" finished blocks
 - Total Number of 7-1/4” squares needed for HSTs per twin size kit: 40 light and 40 dark
 - Total number of 6-1/2" squares needed per twin size kit: 50 light and 50 dark

Woven Bricks (formerly called Quilt for Kids)
 - 45 x 60" Large kid size (shown) 
 - 7-1/2" finished blocks, 6 x 8 block layout, 48 blocks
 - 2" WOF strips, 20 per kit. If all one fabric, need 1-1/4 yards. Or can be several similarly colored fabrics. Be sure there's strong value contrast between the strips and the bricks.
 - 5" x 8" bricks, 48 per kit. If only two fabrics, need 24 pieces of each, 3/4 yard each. Or can be all different fabrics like an Eye Spy quilt. 

Scrappy Color Bars
 - 60 x 80" Adult size
 - 10" finished blocks, 6 x 8 block layout, 48 blocks
 - 2-1/2" WOF light strips, 30 per kit. If all one fabric, 2-3/8 yards are needed, but mixing up prints is recommended.
 - 2-1/2" WOF dark or medium strips, 30 per kit, mixed prints. 

Scrappy Spinner Quilt
 - 64 x 80" Adult size (shown). Pattern also includes Twin size 68 x 92" and small throw 48 x 64". 
 - 8" finished blocks, 8 x 10 block layout, 80 blocks
 - Light color: 2-1/2" WOF strips. 20 strips per kit; if all one fabric need 1-5/8 yards. 
 - Dark colors: 2-1/2" WOF strips. 54 strips per kit, mixed prints. 

 - 60 x 80" Large throw; small throw 50 x 60" 
 - 10" finished blocks, 6 x 8 block layout, 48 blocks
 - Light color: 2-1/2: WOF strips, 24 per kit. If all one print, 1-7/8 yards needed.
 - Dark colors: 2-1/2" WOF strips, 40 per kit. This design works best in analogous colors or in related palettes such as Patriotic, Autumn, Christmas, etc. 

* I am offering these patterns for other guilds' charitable use. If your group makes charity quilts and you would like a PDF of any - or all - of these patterns, please leave a comment. Briefly tell me about your organization, and be sure to include your first name and email address in the text of the comment.


  1. Hi Jan, congrats on your new tab - I know how much work these can be! Your charity quilts are lovely. Thanks for sharing the patterns.

  2. Hi Jan,
    I would love to have the Basketweave pattern for our church quilting group. We make quilts for Lutheran World Relief and 60x80 is the recommended size. Thank you for these great patterns.

  3. Hi Jan. These are perfect charity quilt patterns and they are beautiful. Could you email me all four patterns please. I am getting a bunch of quilts ready for Quilts For Survivors, Victoria’s Quilts Canada and QOV, trying to use up more of my stash and my scraps and getting my Guild members busy.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing these, Jan! They all look lovely and easy and I'm sure that people will make good use of them. Thanks for linking to Hands2Help!

  5. I just found a BUCKETFUL of 2 1/2" strips! I could use every one of your patterns.
    I sew strictly for youth now; around 48x60"; a good size for my DSM Juki. MY email= Thank you so much for all your hard work to produce those
    great looking pattern sheets.

  6. Would love the patterns our charity group makes a lot in the 60x80 size. Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. I would love a copy of each of the patterns. I belong to 2 groups that sew for charity--Reap What You Sew that meets at First Christian Church in Phoenix and Night Owls Quilt Guild, which meets at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Phoenix, where I assist the charity chairperson. Both groups makes kits for the members to take and finish. Thanks so much for making these patterns available.

    1. Sherri, you are a no-reply commenter and since you didn't put your email in your comment, I have no way of sending the patterns to you. If you don't want your email address published in the comments, let me know and I won't allow your comment to be published.

  8. I am a member of Millennium Quilters in Bridgeport WV. We make quilts and pillowcases to donate to CASA and Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Please send the Quilts for Kids patterns and the Basket Weave pattern. I will share these with my guild. Thank you so much.

    1. Janet, you are a no-reply commenter and since you didn't put your email in the text of your comment, I have no way of sending the patterns to you. If you don't want your email address published in the comments, let me know and I won't allow your comment to be published, but I will be able to send you the patterns.

    2. Sorry about that. My email is and I would rather not have my email published in the comments. Thank you so much for the patterns for our charity quilts.
      I was looking at the picture of the Sock Monkey quilt. I noticed that one of the red fabrics is from a West Virginia shop hop that was held several years ago. The fabric was printed specially for the quilt shops participating. It was also printed in blue. Small world.
      Thank you again.

  9. Janet, I would love all of these patterns. I participate in a quilt ministry, we start by making kits for members of the congregation to sew for use in neonatal units and childrens/cancer hospitals as well as nursing homes. We donate about 500 quilts per year. As you can imagine we wind up with a lot of scraps. A few of us take the scraps and turn them into larger quilts for Beds for Kids, or Sleep in Heavenly Peace - 2 local organizations who like every child to have their own bed to sleep in. We're always looking for ideas to make pleasing quilts for these children.


  10. I would like all of your charity quilt patterns. I work with a group that makes quilts for children who are housed at Reach, a shelter for abused women. We try to change patterns, so that the piecing is easy enough and doesn't get boring.
    Thank you,
    Gail Holt

  11. I would love a PDF copy of all 3 patterns, if possible. I belong to Lincoln Quilters Guild in Lincoln, NE. One of our smaller groups within the guild is our Cuddle Quilt program. We make kid-sized up to twin or larger for schools, hospitals (NICU), refugees, women’s shelters, and many other groups. All of our quilts are distributed within Lincoln city limits. Thank you so much for doing this. We make up kits for our members, and these patterns are simple enough that most of our members could make these.

    Rosie Westerhold

  12. Just what I have been looking for - to have great, easy patterns to make charity kits for our quilt guild. We make quilts for the hospital nursery, our local hospice and for teens at Providence Home. I would love to have all four patterns. Thank you for this generous offer so that more people can spread "Quilty Love".
    Kathi Culler

  13. Kathi, you are a no-reply commenter and since you didn't put your email in the text of your comment, I have no way of sending the patterns to you. Please provide your email address so I can send you the patterns.

  14. Jan - would you please email me the Basketweave pattern? I have several Hospice quilts I want to make for Hands to Help 2023 and this will be one of them. Thank you!! Quiltdivajulie

  15. Would love these 4 patterns to use for my 4-H sewing club. We make lap robes for the local home and small quilts to donate to the homeless shelter. Thank you!

    1. Tonya, you are a no-reply commenter and since you didn't put your email in the text of your comment, I have no way of sending the patterns to you. If you don't want your email address published in the comments, let me know and I won't allow your comment to be published, but I will be able to send you the patterns.

    2. Not sure it went thru, THANK YOU!

  16. Hi Jan, My group has begun sewing quilts for a foster care camp. I would like to give them a few options. Thanks for taking the time to share these patterns.

  17. Could I please have a pdf of the scrappy bars and the basketweave for my comfort quilts that I make and donate? Thank you.

  18. Hi! Our small group (six quilters) make comfort quilts mainly for kids. I would love to have pdf’s for all four of your patterns. It’s great to have fast and easy patterns to use. Thanks! Tina W in Oregon. My email is

  19. I would love to get your patterns to make charity quilts. The Goggle will not let me log in. My email is

  20. Love these patterns for donation quilts. My guild makes quilts to donate for a variety of needs. My favorites are Ronald McDonald house....resident for much of my son NICU stay of 163 days, and also the hospital where he stayed. Thanks

  21. Hi Jan, these patterns are awesome. I am head of a small group of quilters (20 quilters) called Quilts Galore. We have just finished 18 quilts for our local hospice center and 60 quilted placemats for our county meals on wheels program. I would very much appreciate having these patterns for our next project — supplying our local child protect services agency — with quilts for children. Thanks you so much.

  22. Love these patterns! I belong to a very small community group of quilters called the Cruso Friendship Quilters in Canton NC. We make quilts for various local charities. I would like to have a copy of each of these patterns for our group. My email address is: Thanks.

  23. I would love your patterns for my group. We make quilts for hospice and foster children. Thank you very much in advance. My email is

  24. I belong to the Prairie Piece Maker Quilt Guild in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Several of our members also belong to Connecting Threads who make donation quilts. I would very much like the above patterns & pass on to connecting threads

  25. I belong to the Prairie PieceMakers Quilters' Guild in Regina, Saskkatchewan, Canada. A lot of the members also belong to Connecting Threads and make donation quilts. Could you email me all of the above patterns please

  26. Our quilting group makes quilts for foster children in North Carolina. We would love to have these patterns. T. Parker Chiudioni at Thank you

  27. Our small quilt guild makes charity quilts primarily for the senior center and skilled nursing facility. We'd love to have these patterns. Audrey laughingincolor at outlook dot com Thanks!

  28. I would like the patterns for our guild. Mainland Morning Quilt Guild
    Diana Roye

  29. Thank you for sharing. I would like the patterns for our Tuesday Group that meet at the Passmore Senior Center. We make baby/child/adult quilts then turn them into the Durham Orange Quilt Guild of North Carolina who distribute to hospitals and nursing homes, Rescue Mission, and VA. email:

  30. I would love the patterns for our Marathon Quilters guild and the Vintage Quilters group at our local senior center. We make and donate quilts to the Hole in the Wall Gang, Rise Above Foundation and many more deserving support groups. Thank you for considering sharing these patterns.

  31. I am starting to make lap and twin size quilts for Cancer Support Services of Augusta, GA and would love the patterns. Thank you, Malorie.

  32. I am helping make quilts for a friend that works with Milwaukee children that need quilts. Mary Ellen

  33. The quilt group I belong to makes charity quilts for Head Start kids and unhoused teens in Washington. I would love to share your quilt patterns with my group. Marilyn

  34. Debby here from Emmanuel Lutheran, Seymour, WI. Our church quilting group makes quilts for Lutheran World Relief, our local Salvation Army, Community 2000, local needy children in our school district, and others who are in need. Our quilts are 60x80 which are the requirements for Lutheran World Relief. Love your patterns. Please send me a pdf. Thank you.

    1. Debby, I need your email address in order to send PDFs to you.

  35. Good morning, Jan…thank you for these beautiful quilts and for offering them for charity work. I am the new president of the newest chapter of The Quilting Guild of The Villages in Florida and our chapter will be making quilts for a local cancer center, a school for the developmentally disabled, and other charities as they request quilts from the guild. I would be so thankful if you would send the patterns to me so we can use them as we continue our mission of helping our community.
    Thank you!

  36. Hi Jan, These quilts are perfect for my sewing group. I have some very new quilters and like your patterns which will give them variety. Right now we are making 25 quilts for the local Sheriff for local families in need. We also make quilts for several local charities and I have promised to keep our local fire department supplied with quilts for anyone in need. So far this year we have donated 75 quilts. We are a small but productive group. Thank you

  37. Could you please email all of these patterns to me for the group I quilt for (Quilts of Hope). We make quilts for the NICU babies cared for at Riverbend Medical Cemter in Eugene, Oregon. Several members of our group also do charity quilts for other local organizations. Thank you in advance!

  38. My guild makes quilts for several local charities. Abused children, foster children, medically fragile children, cancer patients, and others. Mary,

  39. Many members in my Canadian quilting group are making quilts for survivors of residential schools. All of your patterns would generate interest and choice for our quilter. Thanks for sharing.

  40. Hi Jan -
    I am a member of a local quilt guild in Columbus Ohio, and I make charity quilts for James Stitching Sisters, a volunteer group that provides charity quilts to patients undergoing cancer treatment. I would love to have any pattern that finishes at 48 x 60 inches, which is their guideline. Thanks so much in advance. Karen (

  41. Hi Jan, I am a member of a quilting guild in Western Washington. We make quilt block kits for our members to sign out at guild meeting and take home and work on. Each kit has enough parts to construct enough blocks for 1 row in a quilt top. Once we receive all the finished blocks they either go to our monthly community sew or for members to assemble the entire top. Your patterns would be a great help.

  42. Hi, my name is Marilynn. I am the outreach coordinator for our North Star Quilters Guild in Grand Forks ND. We donate approximately 200 quilts per year to fostercare and families in crisis. I would love to have theses patterns available to add to the we kits we make from our members fsbric donations. Thank you very much!
