Monday, September 9, 2024

Blocks on My Design Wall

Some time ago I had seen something on Pinterest that intrigued me. It's attributed only to Kathie C, no other info. I think some of the prints are Tula Pink. I found the image inspiring. 

Image from Pinterest attributed to Kathie C

I simplified the triangles at the sides of the lozenge shapes, making them one color instead of two, then started making the blocks for the on-point setting at retreat in July. 

They looked very busy when laid out on the wall. I soon realized I didn't have a good enough assortment of lights, mediums and darks, so I put the blocks aside. After making more at home, removing some of the original ones, and laying them out on the wall I had this:

Still looks like a busy mish-mash, so I need to bring some order to this chaos. I can do that by placing the lights, mediums, and darks in columns. 

Better. Still busy, but less chaotic. The side blocks will be trimmed and squared up at the corners. Then I'll add a 2" black border all around to further contain this.

This will end up as a large throw and will be a donation quilt for the local family services agency. Some teenager will love it. 


  1. That is a terrific mix of black and white and bright. It will work great for a teen.

  2. Very bright and bold! Some teenager will adore all the chaos and color.
