Monday, March 24, 2025

A Little Dancing Plus Top

A quick little finish, a teaching sample (top only) for my upcoming Dancing Plus class. 

 Some dance to the left, some to the right, and a few are out of step....

I'll be teaching the blocks at a PCQ class in May but I needed a sample to display at the April meeting to promote the class. This was a quick finish, 42 blocks for a baby quilt top that measures 36 by 45 inches. 

Scroll down to the post below for more info, and find the tutorial for the blocks here.

Link up: Small Quilts and Doll Quilts


  1. I am sure that you are going to teach a fantastic class in May; I hope this show and tell item for the April meeting creates a good interest in the class.

  2. This dancing plus block is so simple yet so eye-catching when put all together. I've added this to my 'gotta make' list 😊

  3. Really cute, thank you for the tutorial it is on my to do list:)
