Friday, January 5, 2024

Finished Patio Quilt

 The patio quilt for my husband was definitely a success. Looks like he likes it!

We get the sun in the morning during the winter but it's still chilly, so to take advantage of the sunshine I made him this quilt using the leftover made-fabric from our patio pillows and flannel for the backing. 

He likes it, and I have a finish instead of a UFO. Win-win. 

Link ups: Alycia Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. Great use of leftovers and pretty, too!

  2. I can just imagine the coziness of the quilt with the warmth of the sun. What a perfect gift.

  3. It's always a nice feeling to see someone use what you made.

  4. What a comfy looking hubby and spot too! The quilt is the perfect touch!
