Saturday, February 10, 2024


Hello friends, 

I haven't been getting blog comments lately. They used to come into my email for moderation. I thought it was probably because I've been blogging less frequently lately, so fewer followers, and people have backed off from visiting and commenting. But it seems something changed awhile ago and the comments are there, they're just not showing up. I went into the comment section in Blogger and found comments going back as far as November. 

So if you've left a comment and I haven't responded, that's why. I'm sorry for the lack of response. Comments are always appreciated and I like to acknowledge each one. Since I missed so many, I can't go back and reply to them all.

I went into my Blogger settings and nothing has changed; I don't know why the comments stopped coming. So I will check in Blogger for comments every day and catch them that way. 

If you requested a charity pattern in a comment, please request again and I'll send it to you. Be sure to type your email address within the text of the comment so I can send the PDF to you. 

It's distressing that I didn't get all those comments in a timely manner, and again, I'm sorry I didn't reply. 



  1. Jan it’s not just your blog but others too! I’m not computer savvy enough to figure it out either.

  2. I had the same problem pop up at about the same time you did. I enabled comment moderation and most of the comments started coming to my email again. I still have the odd one here and there that just won't show up in email, so I have to check my comments regularly to catch any that don't go through.

  3. I have more than one email address so I have comments sent to 2. When it stops sending them to my comcast mail they still come to me gmail and I go in and fix it right away. There is "Invite people to comment notification" where you can add the email you are already using or another email as a backup or both. They will send you an email for you to confirm.
