...and produced this for one very happy boy who loves all things Halloween, especially bats.
Other than that, let's see how the stash report and goals looked for the month.
September Stash Report:
IN this month: 8-1/8 yards (from A and E Fabrics in Pensacola)
OUT this month: 11-7/8 yards (Bat pillow: 2 yards. Chunky Churn Dash: 3-1/8 yards. Roman Road: Backing, binding, and my fabrics used to supplement kits for top: 6-3/4 yards)
IN YTD: 96-5/8 yards
OUT YTD: 98 yards
YTD Net change: 1-3/8 yards out
Whoo-hoo, I'm back in the black for the year, even though I splurged at a shop in Pensacola that has a huge selection of everything and then some. More about my purchases in another post.
Goals Update:
September Recap:
1. Finish the WIGSP flimsy and prep backing to take to the quilter. NO. Discovered it's a row too short to fit on the bed. New plan: Prep additional pieces for Pieceing Group to help when it's my turn in Feb.
2. Find out if STLMQG wants me to do demos at Sew Me STL and if so, start prepping materials for them. Yes, they want a demo. I'll use a current WIP.
3. Make Bat pillow for grandson. DONE. He loves his "cozy" pillow.
4. Plan the next donation quilt using pieces from Wanda at Exuberant Color. DONE. Not only planned, but the CCD flimsy is done.
5. Bind and finish Roman Road. DONE
6. If time permits, quilt and finish Kevin's mystery quilt for donation. Not done.
7. Keep up with bee blocks and BOMs. Struggling with this one; still have to finish the hand piecing block that's due Oct. 1, and I need to look for fabrics for the Sew Bee It block due at Sew Me. Have not started the Color Wheel BOM for STLMQG featuring applique which is due Oct. 11.
Roman Road, 72 x 72"
Chunky Churn Dash Flimsy, 43 x 50"
October Goals:
1. Quilt Kevin's SSSSM top
2. Prep for binding demo at Sew Me STL using the SSSSM quilt as the sample.
3. Finish baby quilt for Laurie's girl baby.
4. Look at kitted projects and decide what to work on at Sew Me; prep and pack.
5. Have fun at three day retreat at Sew Me STL.
6. Quilt the purple CCD quilt.
7. Keep up with bee blocks
8. Think about new stretch project.
SSSSM prepped for basting
Since today is the last day of September, it's the last chance to check out the Quilters Meet and Greet, visit all the quilters, and enter for the grand prize from each blog.

Monday Link Ups:
Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Em's Scrapbag
Love Laugh Quilt