It's hard to believe 2020 is half over now. Everything has changed since I set goals for the year. Let's take a look. This is a wordy post, so if you're not interested, skip it.
2020 Goals:
1. Use (or give away) at least as much fabric as I bring into the stash.
2. Blog at least once a week; continue posting monthly goals and stash reports because they keep me focused and accountable.
3. As time permits, continue making donation quilts (see #9).
4. Review list of UFOs and determine whether to keep and finish or get rid of each one. Finish at least two of the projects on the list.
5. Send unquilted donation tops to someone who can/is willing to quilt and donate them.
6. Participate in Hands2Help and 12DCiJ.
7. Do something with the STLMQG Color BOM blocks, perhaps inspired by the Gypsy Wife concept.
8. Complete WIGSP Piecing Group project to a flimsy.
9. Prep for moving to AZ and possibly living in temporary housing for several months.
Okay, Items 1 and 2 are still valid. My stash is down more than 38 yards for the year, mostly due to the fact that the Paducah AQS Show was cancelled and my annual stash replenishment didn't take place. I'm still blogging and posting monthly reports.
Let's skip around a bit and address item 9. Everything else on the list was planned to get done mostly in the first few months of the year because we anticipated moving anytime after May. In March we were booked to go out to AZ and look for - hopefully buy - a house in Pebble Creek. We had appointments with the realtor, the lender, the financial advisor etc. booked and also some recreational plans. Then the virus hit, the stock market tanked, and we cancelled our trip. Plans to move to AZ are on hold until next year. We are hugely disappointed.

Since the move to AZ is postponed, DH put off his retirement date from April 30 to July 31, but he's been working from home so we're "practicing" for being retired. We cancelled a trip to our favorite beach on the Gulf Coast planned for May. Our state and county had stay home orders until early May and "safer at home" since then with limited openings, so I've been mostly at home since mid March. I cancelled my gym membership. Now I have a lot more time than I anticipated to get stuff done.
Back to the goals list:
Items 4 and 5, UFOs and unquilted tops: I sent four unquilted tops that I knew I would never quilt myself to Kat of
Kat and Cat Quilts for Covered in Love. So far she's finished and posted about two of them. I finished a UFO that was started with bee blocks a couple years ago, and a baby quilt UFO. I'm currently working on another baby quilt that was a PIGS.
Donated top, quilted by Kat for Covered in Love
UFO with bee blocks, finished for Hands2Help
Item 6, Hands2Help and 12DCiJ: I sent the above quilt to Happy Chemo
(story here) and three kid/baby quilts to Little Lambs Foundation for Hands2Help. 12DCiJ isn't taking place this year.
Item 7, the STLMQG color BOM blocks: I puzzled them together into a flimsy which was finished in March. I had planned to show it at the April STLMQG meeting, but that and all subsequent meetings have been cancelled. The top is now basted and ready for quilting, but a friend is ordering some invisible thread for me and the order is delayed.
STLMQG 2019 Color BOM
Item 8, the Piecing Group WIGSP (Work in Glacially Slow Progress): I hosted Piecing Group in February as scheduled and received the last blocks from my friends. I told them that after the March meeting I was resigning from the group since I'd be moving soon. I really pushed during February to finish hand-piecing the top so I could show it to the group in March. I felt I owed it to them to finish it, since they'd helped me make it over several go-rounds since 2008. They surprised me with a going-away party at the March meeting. (No meetings have been held since.)
Piecing Group with my WIGSP Flimsy
Which brings us back to Item 9, prep for moving: Back in February we had a realtor come look at our house to tell us what we need to do to get it ready to put on the market. Turns out, not too much. We've removed some wallpaper and have plans to powerwash and paint the deck after DH retires. I got bids from moving companies and PODS, etc. I worked some on sorting and downsizing and interviewed an estate sale professional. We can still address all that when the time comes. Meanwhile all that activity is on hold.
So, Item 3: As time permits, continue making donation quilts
Well, since I've been stuck home due to the virus and I have a lot of time on my hands, I've been making a lot of baby quilts for donation to Operation Shower. Baby quilts are small enough that I can baste them on my cutting table and don't have to crawl around on the floor. I've been making 2-3 baby quilts a month these last couple of months. I guess I'll keep it up for as long as necessary.
That leaves the rest of the year to pretty much continue with these same goals. I keep thinking I want to make something complicated and long-term, but inspiration hasn't struck yet and I'm not going to force it. I'm also thinking I might post a couple of tutorials, one for my basket weave top and one for my strippy spiral.
So, as I said when I originally posted my 2020 goals, I should just keep it simple:
- Buy fabric
- Pet fabric
- Cut something
- Sew something
- Quilt something
Can't go wrong there, right?