Friday, May 3, 2024

Ruby Jubilee

The guild I still belong to in Missouri, Circle in the Square Quilters, is celebrating its 40th anniversary. The symbol for 40 years is ruby. So, the guild is having a Ruby Jubilee challenge. 

The challenge requirements are that it must be quilted and must either contain the color ruby, or have 40 of some element, or both. As an option, challenge quilts can be donated to Operation Shower, which hosts baby showers for military families, so the challenge quilt could be suitable for a baby quilt. 

I opted to work with the color ruby. I threw in a little opal, amethyst, and rose quartz as well. The fabrics are mostly batiks or prints that look similar to batiks. (The one that looks white is actually pale pink.)

My original idea was to make a Kool Kaleidoscope, but I only had a fat quarter each of some of my fabrics. After making strata, I discovered that I didn't have enough for my KK pieces, so I opted for hexies instead. If I hadn't mentioned it, you'd never know this was Plan B. 

No, there are not quite 40 hexies, but there's enough of the ruby color to qualify. And I think this little quilt will be a nice baby quilt for someone who's expecting a little girl. It finished at about 38 x 49". The back is the same light amethyst as the binding.

This quilt will be mailed off to one of my Missouri friends who will take it to the May meeting for me. I've been a member of CSQ since 1994 or so. Wish I could be there for the party! 


Linking up with Alycia Quilts
and My Quilt Infatuation


  1. If you count the edge pieces, I think you can get up to 40 (I counted each half side as one for a total of 3, the corners as 1, and the partials on the top/bottom as 4), but that might be a bit too creative in my counting! I think it looks great and I hope the guild has a great celebration.

  2. It's beautiful, Jan. I love Yvonne's counting ;-)

  3. And Anonymous is Cherie, oops!

  4. Very pretty! You did a great job with plan b and the fabric choices.

  5. Lovely challenge quilt, and for such a good cause! The recipient will adore it.

  6. We wish you could be there too! Miss you :)

  7. Lovely finish and fabulous challenge quilt. Some mom and baby girl will love it.

  8. That is a wonderful quilt - and no - you would never have guessed it was plan b!!! it will be treasured!
