Friday, July 5, 2024

Woven Bricks, Daisy Version

 I was able to get time on PCQ's long arm at the very end of June, so I was able to quilt and finish my daisy print version of Woven Bricks.

Woven Bricks is a very simple charity quilt pattern* that we used for making kits for the May-June Community Service sew days project. So often the donation quilts I make are twin bed size because that's what several of the charities PCQ supports require. This one is a smaller throw, and it was refreshing to make and quilt something smaller this time. I think it came out about 45" by 60". 

Among the donated fabrics in PCQ's Floral bin, I found this red and gold border print stripe but there was only a yard of it. The red floral and gold tonal also came from the club's stash, as did the two sashing fabrics. 

With careful placement I could make the daisy print work, supplemented with the gold tonal for the horizontal rows. The red print used for the vertical columns gives it the woven look. 

Two of the charities we support can use throw size quilts, so this will go to one of them, a local family services agency that serves victims of sexual violence. I hope this cheerful quilt brings a measure of comfort to the recipient. 

Linking up with Alycia Quilts (July 5) and My Quilt Infatuation (July 11)

* If you would like a PDF of the Woven Bricks pattern for any charitable purpose, leave a comment and be sure to include your email address within the text of the comment so I can send it to you. 


  1. I would love a pdf copy of woven bricks! I'm part of a group of quilters that makes charity quilts and we are frequently looking for new patterns 😁

    My email is: psthimsen at Gmail dot com

  2. I would love to have the pdf for this quilt. Thank you.

  3. Nancy in Vancouver WaJuly 6, 2024 at 7:03 AM

    Your group does such a lot of great work. This is another one of your patterns that I would like to have a copy.

  4. Great use of the red and gold border stripe, and the placement of colors to emphasize the woven look!

  5. What a terrific finish! It looks like the fabric placement was planned from the inception of the pattern. One wouldn't know you stretched that flower print at all! --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  6. Great use of that border fabric! It's a beautiful quilt, someone will definitely fall in love with it.
