Friday, October 11, 2024

Lozenges Flimsy

After making blocks at retreat in July, making more at home afterward, finding additional fabrics in my stash or purchasing more and making more blocks, and arranging and re-arranging the layout multiple times, I finally have a finished flimsy. Plus a few leftover blocks that didn't make the final cut. 

With the blocks set on point, the dominant shape in them is the lozenge portion. Because of the variety of prints of various scales and values, some layouts looked very chaotic. To control the chaos, I strung them vertically like beads, creating columns of light, medium, and dark. The black frame holds it all together.

It's still very busy, and not my most favorite quilt ever, but it's good for its purpose. It will be a donation quilt for the local family services agency. We were told that some of the teenage clients prefer quilts with black in them rather than sweet pastels. 

I have a backing already made for it, and time booked on the club's long arm later this month, so it'll be quilted and finished soon. 

Link ups: Alycia Quilts