Monday, September 3, 2018

Design Wall: WIGSP

On my design wall: the Work in Glacially Slow Progress that I'm hand-piecing. This is the lower half of the top, extending past the upper half of the wall. It will be a generous queen-size when done.

This was started in December 2007 and has been worked on by my Piecing Group bee friends for several go-rounds. Now it's in pairs of rows and I'm slowly stitching them together.

My friend Laura hosted a CSQ social meeting recently with a UFO theme. I was inspired to work on this and I showed the girls the bottom third at the meeting. Since then I stitched two more pairs of rows on, so now it's halfway done. That's a lot of hand stitching for me, and my hands are feeling it. Pressing this is a real PITA, spinning all those seams on the back where the triangles come together.

With half of the top together, the "glow" is becoming visible. The colors of the pieces in the hexies at the center of the top are much lighter than the ones at the edges and the bottom, for a luminous effect. There are 164 different batik fabrics used in the top. I like how the colors seem to sparkle; some of the hexies look like faceted gems.

I need to put this aside for September because I have some other hand stitching to do, but I'll come back to it. Seeing it this far along, I'm motivated to keep going and get it finished.

Link Ups:
Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Em's Scrapbag
Love Laugh Quilt


  1. Glacially slow...but worth every minute. What a gorgeous celebration of color!!!

  2. It's exciting to see that it is halfway assembled, Jan!

  3. Definitely worth the effort and time!

  4. Lovely! Totally understand soreness in the hands due to hand stitching. Thank goodness a little rest usually resolves that!

  5. That's a quilt with a lot of "WOW" factor! All that time spent will be well worth it.

  6. Maybe slow but worth every minute. Wow!!! It is stunning so far.
