Monday, April 24, 2023

Backing for Chisel Stars

 Earlier this month I posted about finally finishing the problematic Chisel Stars top. 

I had cut the chisel pieces in pairs, so half of them faced the wrong direction. Therefore I didn't have much remaining of the fabrics used in the top to make a backing. So I used what I had and found more  in PCQ's stash and in my own stash. Instead of just cobbling random pieces together, I made a giant Friendship Star block for the back.*  It's been windy, and the back is so big, even with rocks weighting it down the wind ruffled it while I was taking photos. 

I packaged up this top and back for someone else in PCQ to quilt and bind. I'm so done with it! At 72" square, it'll be a large throw for one of our charities that can use that size. 

I also packaged up all the leftover blocks and pieces that were cut the other direction, enough for another quilt this size. I added a photo from my design wall and a few construction notes, and it's an Adopt-a-Quilt Kit for someone else in PCQ to finish. 

I'm done with chisels! 

*I was inspired to make a giant block for the backing by Kelly Young of My Quilt Infatuation. She has a new book on the topic coming out this summer. She'll share more ideas for pieced backings when it's published. 


  1. What a great way to piece a backing! I look forward to seeing Kelly's book.

  2. Yeah for finishing the chisels to the point you can hand them off. The pieced back is fun. Now on to something new?

  3. That Chisel Star quilt is amazing! Just beautiful.

  4. Great quilt top - and super cool backing!
