Friday, April 7, 2023

The Chisel Project: A Finished Flimsy

 It's finally done. I got the rows sewn together at social sewing last week.

It ended up about 70 x 70, which is fine for an adult or teen throw. 

Because of all the issues I had with this project, I don't want to deal with another whole quilt's worth of  leftover pieces and blocks that were cut going in the reverse direction. I threw them up on my design wall, snapped a photo and printed it, jotted some notes, and kitted up all the parts so someone else can finish it. See how the "stars" spin in the opposite direction? They look more like pinwheels than stars. Next time I go PCQ's sewing room, I'll put this kit in the Adopt-a-Quilt bin. 

My Chisel quilt is done to the flimsy stage. I'll figure out a back for it, quilt it, and donate it. I'm so done with this project! 

Actually, seeing it whole rather than close up in parts, it turned out okay after all. 

Link Ups: Alycia Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. It did turn out okay. And the colors look great with your bright blue sky. Hopefully finishing it off will be a more simple and fun process.

  2. Congrats on getting such a frustrating project to the finished flimsy stage. Donating the miscuts was probably wise. Someone will really enjoy that project, the colors are such fun.
