Monday, July 10, 2023

SC2 Blocks

After my friends and I made our first Scrappy Celebration top, we had a few blocks left over. We were still enthusiastic about making blocks, so those leftover blocks became the seeds of another version, in brighter colors.

Linda, Edna, and I have been making blocks. Here are my most recent ones: 

Most of the blocks were at Linda's house. We were pretty sure with the addition of a couple of new ones she made, a couple from Edna, and these last ones from me, we have enough for another twin size top. Linda lives across the street from me so I ran over and we looked at all the blocks. 

Without counting them again, we think there's 70 here, enough for another twin size top. We're all going on a retreat together later this week, so we'll take the blocks along and put them up on the design wall there to figure out the layout. If it turns out we're short a block, we can make another while we're there. 

Our first Scrappy Celebration is ready to be quilted and Linda will quilt it. We plan to get this second top assembled at retreat. Linda has backing fabric for it, so we'll piece the backing when we get home. 

Both of these twin size quilts will go to Natalie's House, a group home for girls ages 6-17 in foster care. The recipients will get to keep them when they move on. 

So while these blocks aren't on the design wall yet, they will be soon. I'll try to post pics from retreat if I can.  Linking up with Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.


  1. Such lovely, bright colors! I'm sure the quilts will be much-loved.

  2. The seeds for the second quilt are so pretty!! this will be a fun one!!!

  3. Love those bright colors. What a fun shared project.
